Mall Raider

Thumbnail of the map 'Mall Raider'

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Author luky3309
Tags author:luky3309 playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-04-28
Last Modified 2006-04-30
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description This is the first map i submitted, but have made many, hope you N-fans like it.


Pages: (0)




Sorry guys it was my first (il try harder next time) more maps are coming soon.


actually this level is impossible and i don't think the author play tested it at all
even with the trap doors you cant get through the mine cluster in the top left
and i agree that hidden thwump was kinda gay
it makes ppl not want to play the level anymore, jsut like how im not gonna play it anymore...

good for a first, some good usage of lasers, some clustering, but actually pretty decent...
Demo Data

@ joe123

It not impossible you noob! stop ratin peoples maps down just because your too frikin stupid to check under the gold.

now to Luky: its deffinately not the greatest map ever, but it is your first, so I understand. I like your use of Doors, keep practicing.

@ joe123

It not impossible you noob! stop ratin peoples maps down just because your too frikin stupid to check under the gold.

now to Luky: its deffinately not the greatest map ever, but it is your first, so I understand. I like your use of Doors, keep practicing.


you spelt made and many wrong lol put some more tiles in so N doesn't fall to his doom

New Map

I hope you guys like it!