Rinse, lather, repeat

Thumbnail of the map 'Rinse, lather, repeat'

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Author Brickman
Tags author:brickman playable puzzle rated v1.3c
Created 2004-11-27
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description I had no idea what category to put this in, so I picked puzzle.
Anyways, the map is a matter of repeating the same task 5 times from a greater height each time. The map is a little harder than it looks, but not much. I like the ending, simple as it is.

Other maps by this author

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Open fire Fast tunnel Thwump review 97 B The big 100 Claustrophobia


Pages: (0)


an insanely stupid death
Demo Data

Partial demo

I barely got anywhere but you get the gist of how it's done. Fantastic.
Demo Data