A MAN!!!

Thumbnail of the map 'A MAN!!!'

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Author Mr_Mongoose
Tags author:mr_mongoose n-art rated
Created 2006-05-06
Last Modified 2006-05-06
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description Originally meant to be an optical illusion
,but, it didn't look like a dude playing the saxaphone...or a woman, it kind of looked like.....A MAN! Credit me if used.
Rate, Comment & Enjoy!!!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Moonlight tree' Thumbnail of the map 'Kick out the Jams' Thumbnail of the map 'Curly Cavern' Thumbnail of the map 'Delicate' Thumbnail of the map 'Bio-technics' Thumbnail of the map 'First It Giveth'
Moonlight tree Kick out the Jams Curly Cavern Delicate Bio-technics First It Giveth


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no offence

but it has been done before, and better. 3.5/5


made it top rated!

yea, sax...

and slightly creepy looking face too

reminds me

of that che guyvara tileset. awesome


i think it looks like a guy playing a sax.
good job sir, 5/5