afterlife part 1: The restless soul

Thumbnail of the map 'afterlife part 1: The  restless soul'

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Author me_bomb_u
Tags action author:me_bomb_u playable unrated v1.2
Created 2006-05-09
Last Modified 2006-05-09
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description 00-02 of afterlife

After the Ninja has finally died peacefully, his spirit was taken up to the heavens. But, unfortunantely, after his spirit was lifted from his corpse and was flying up to the heavens, he started falling downwards. "Oh, no" he thought, "this is not supposed to happen." His spirit started tumbling down into the dark fiery abyss of Hell. Luckily he landed on a small cloud, which thoroughly shocked the Ninja as he was supposed to be a non-material being now that he's dead. He wondered if he was still alive, "But even if I was alive I couldn't stand on a cloud." The Ninja kept thinking on and on and could come up with no other conclusion than "My corpse is not in peace." As much as he really didn't want to believe it, it was very true. The Ninja was horrified at what the drones would do to his body. He came down into a room were he found his corpse and discovered floor guards shocking it and defacing it. The Ninja had to do something, so he decides to chase the floorguards away. "I am a ghost now after all, I'll scare the crap outta them".

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The pathway to N N godspeed diving board tricks, or something like that that kind of cool that go along with this exraordinarily long name kinda thing that I'm gonna call A.S.S. kinda thing that you can go weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The maze of shadows Why?!!1


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the data and demo I sent you have open walls. Just put mines on the walls in it, and it should work, even though the demo won't, because I used the wall once.


alright I gave it two gauss turrets, the walls are now unclimbable, junko got the ded, The upper ninja is supposed to move. like it better now please??


...don't need to say it takes place after this map, in your description. Say it is number 00-02 in your series of episodes, or something more sensible. The map itself is playable, although a bit simple. It needs a well placed guass turret, and something on the left wall to prevent wall jumping up (I guess more mines could work) All in all I say 2.5/5

By the way

, who gets the ded from Why?!!1


possible, I think I know why, I'll PM you my version. That is, assuming the upper ninja is supposed to move.
Demo Data