HaloRules(ForJoel'sand Christian's BD)

Thumbnail of the map 'HaloRules(ForJoel'sand Christian's BD)'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author spartanruss
Tags action author:spartanruss playable rated
Created 2006-05-12
Last Modified 2006-05-12
by 28 people.
Map Data

Description Dedicated to Joel Thomas And Christian Brown's BD's!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Ipod' Thumbnail of the map 'Fun With Toys' Thumbnail of the map 'HellForFun' Thumbnail of the map 'Ummmmmmmmmmmm...' Thumbnail of the map 'AwsomeDDA' Thumbnail of the map 'tHEeGGoFdEATH'
Ipod Fun With Toys HellForFun Ummmmmmmmmmmm... AwsomeDDA tHEeGGoFdEATH



banned for multiacounting



Could have been beter, 1.5?


Could have been beter, 1.5?

hey, I was joking

no hard feelings?

no one multied; and 99turtle or what ever your name is,wtf, people stop saying there my friends and just shutup and leave my account alone.


my friends did not just come out w/maps, that's balony; all my friends with maps at this time have had these maps the entire time, and all my friends with out maps still have no maps unless they have created them tonight, which they say not


more than one account is grounds for banning.
sorry, just had to do that.

Ill be quiet now, no one comment on this...
or tired or sick...theres more explanations


love how i just say one thing, AND BAM, all of his "friends" come out with maps. Hes so predictable its sad.

And here's a demo!

Any1 want to see him and his "friends" beat his lvl?
Demo Data




kidding rotflmao

Me Too!!!

I'm his friend too and if u don't believe me so there!

And Me!

dude i'm his freind too!


I'm his freind too...


about that

I know

but title is my point. lol


Joel plays more Halo, check the map description though.

This too Russ!!!!!

For Joel's bday and not mine? WTF yo? lol

hey playa1

I don't know who arachnid is exactly, but he sounds like aNuma administrator and if it would be possible to have his email address I would be greatly appreciate it.
Hey. I'm one of his friends and as you can see I didn't rate any of his maps so don't get mad at me, but if you are really going to try and delete his account please don't. If you find a bunch from the same IP address delete all except Spartanruss and Dom1nation. Thanks very much.


Are IP adresses


let arachnid and your IP addresses tell the truth

i mean

of the game?
all real close, would this be some sort of school love?


no, why do... i didn't multi; i'll proly have more people sending messages later tinight backing there scores they sent.

i must admit

i'm one of his friends and he didn't multi acount.

oh yaaa

not to get in any other trouble, but playa1, go home, stop acting so immature, i learned that maps need to be rated seriously.


can accuse you all I want, thats the beauty of Numa. Its obvious you multiaccount. You went from denial, and now your on anger. Its oh so obvious.

Time doesn't lie.

But I just want to say.
If I wouldn't have given it a 0.
I would've given it 3.5 :P

and what the heck

just because they each posted them next to each other doesnt mean that i posted them; and what the f**k, give it a rest, I don't multi-account. From now on they won't vote, or they will be forced to play the map before just looking at it and scoring it.!


your stories are very poorly put together. Youve been busted, and ytou know it. So give up, go home, and stop rating all your maps with 5s. IM sure youll be kicked off Numa soon, ive already email arachnid.


They just made the accounts, it was today or yesterday, and theres more than one comp.; leave my map alone, give it a zero, what ever you want, and leaveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....!


many of his "friends" are 80(59-61) further prooving that he made new accounts during the same time.
he had about 20
*It took an estimated 20 seconds between each post as playa stated, making it enough time to log in and post.
*It takes 3 seconds to take sit on the chair.
*It takes 4 seconds to log in.
*It takes probably 10 seconds to type a message.
*Then 3 seconds for numa to add the message on the page.

Problem is, you managed to keep the pace, like you practiced it. If it was really 12 people on the computer, each person would also take a while to get on the chair because of the crowd, meaning an additional 1 second. Telling your friends to shut up, or to stop pushing you because it's ruining your typing may take 2.5 seconds. Going to the page takes 1 second, unless you use the forward or back button, which still takes 1 second. So your over 4 seconds while keeping the pace.
So my judgement is that you're lying.

But either way.
Your friends rating skills sucks.
And your friends name like poopmeister is kind of immature.
And that's 4 or 5 friends. Not 6.


would like to point out that the following people...

all have no maps submitted, and all about 24 votes, about the number of maps spartanruss has submitted.


i guess from now on they will just post there rating at diff. times, even though we go to the comp. lab everyday at the same time after school. But no, i'm not making them type more and send it. this is not right.


at all his maps, they all have about 20 votes or more, and almost no common map gets that much.