The Family Trip

Thumbnail of the map 'The Family Trip'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Joey_Tayler
Tags author:joey_tayler dda rated
Created 2006-05-13
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description My first proper DDA, so rate, comment, and enjoy

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Doing the run around' Thumbnail of the map 'Unwanted house guests' Thumbnail of the map 'Go for the gold' Thumbnail of the map 'Its Your Choice' Thumbnail of the map 'Like being shot out of a cannon' Thumbnail of the map 'Peace Through Superior Firepower'
Doing the run around Unwanted house guests Go for the gold Its Your Choice Like being shot out of a cannon Peace Through Superior Firepower


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the doors on the left are totally useless. there are no close calls. there's only one way of propulsion. not evough enemies. 2.5 sorry

Excellent First DDA

That's awesome for your first DDA! I just can't figure out how to make those. They're way to complex, but you did alright. By the way, thanks for reviewing my first map!


but a good first DDA

