im never makeing a teleporter map

Thumbnail of the map 'im never makeing a teleporter map'

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Author joe123
Tags author:joe123 test unrated
Created 2006-05-21
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description EVER AGAIN it took so long to make this

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'maze of death!! (resumbited because no one looked at it)' Thumbnail of the map 'one way art' Thumbnail of the map 'no name' Thumbnail of the map 'above the level survival' Thumbnail of the map 'endless race' Thumbnail of the map 'cool disign'
maze of death!! (resumbited because no one looked at it) one way art no name above the level survival endless race cool disign


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cus i did it

no there isnt

you dont know how to do the right path -_-


did you test the map yet.... theres some probs. its good though.
because if i start something i will finsish it that day


but don't be afraid to take time on your maps.
save the map data on word or something, then carry on another time.