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Author | maximo |
Tags | author:maximo bitesized dda rated v1.3c |
Created | 2004-12-12 |
Last Modified | 2004-12-12 |
Rating |
4 by 169 people.
Map Data | |
Description | here it is. My first true dda. It's named because I think it looks like the first dda's. No special tricks here, its just strait dda action. You press capslock, and n does lots of stuff for you. I like this compared to the highspeed ddas we have now. It's jumppad heavy, but I like it because I use each pad a bunch of times. THe end time came in around 3 minutes, 15 seconds. I thought it was 4, but my early calculations musta been screwy. Okay, its stuipd long for a DDA by anymeans. I think I go into this one room like 7 times. Okay, sit back, get some popcorn, maybe a slushie, and enjoy.
Time of production: 20 hours, spanning 2 and a half weeks |
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7698 frames!
this is the longest DDA on NUMA!!!
I really liked this map... nice.... as you would say in danish (because i'm danish) skide god bane... (in english: very very very nice map)
Absolutely Incredible!
Great length, awesome close calls, and - something you don't see often in a DDA - unpredictability! As soon as I thought I knew where the ninja was headed next, he proved me wrong! Totally awesome, and totally worthy of 5 ninjas.
awesome! 5 ninjas!
Can a DDA that uses almost all launch pad propulsion and LOADS of gold delay be so highly rated? Try and find another method of propulsion other then thwumps and launch pads.
even though it is stupid long and laggy (you must have a good box). I also agree with fel: now I can't make DDAs anymore because none of them will come close....Oh, and a bit of extra respect from me because you managed to respond to people's comments for the first 1/2 or so. Keep it up :-)
WHOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAA!!!!! That was so cool that i forgot to turn off caps. 5/5 and fav'd
Not very good:
I mean, you went great with the close calls, but there wasn't a lot of commotion with the close calls, and it was too long. 3/5
the level didn't work, just b4 he reached the door he died, its a ripoff
Untill i searched your name I never really realized how big of an infulance your had on numa. I mean you've got to have some of the best maps in all of numa. This one in perticular inspired me to start making dda's or any type of map for that matter. Still has mannaged to be my second vaforate map for the longest time (inprovibilty drive ;)) There has been more exciting dda but this is one of my favorates because it show your techinal mastery that I myself have never been able to get close to. Dood make another freaking dda like this!!!! COME ON!!! 5/5 if i already havent rated : )
That was soooo cool.
You are really good with NED, i like your other maps to.
You are really good with NED, i like your other maps to.
I like your creative use of thwumps (theres so many of them)
WOOOW That was SO COOL i have never seen better that was the ultimade DDA . ( VERY GOOD JOB )
omg that was fricken sic, why isn't this the number one dda???!!!
THAT WAS ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE! great use of the baby jesus!! 5/5 easily, this should be the number one DDA on numa, this is incredible!
Hell Ya
Man ur one of the best dds maker. AWSOME!!!!
wow awsome, i cannot speak, it is so great, fast, long and exciting :O
I'm not gonna watch this until I get a slushy. Seriously. I'm going to walk to 7-11 and get a slurpee and come back and watch it.
i really enjoyed watching this. the timing and positioning of the thumps was amazing. in fact, i can't believe you created it in 20 hours! it was a little disappointing that the guy got hit by the rocket in the very end. especially since it was so long. but who cares! it gives the watcher a little laugh. 5/5
Personman, I have no idea what you're talking about.
You weren't ignored- I just can't help you. seems to be there for me!
You weren't ignored- I just can't help you. seems to be there for me!
Time for me to rate this again...
with my account swapover, my votes were nuked. So, here he go for another vote...
Now, see, this feels a lot less like that unanimous 5 vote and more like a 4... I ran it four times, with overclock way up, and he died twice... Also, gold delay is absolutely hated by me. And, though long, there's a slight lack of real excitement.
But, this still remains better than anything I can do. This is amazing, Maximo, take yet another bow for your creation. In the meantime, I'm just going to abstain from voting on this... But this is a true classic of a map, despite everything. And well done on creating something so... well... like this.
Now, see, this feels a lot less like that unanimous 5 vote and more like a 4... I ran it four times, with overclock way up, and he died twice... Also, gold delay is absolutely hated by me. And, though long, there's a slight lack of real excitement.
But, this still remains better than anything I can do. This is amazing, Maximo, take yet another bow for your creation. In the meantime, I'm just going to abstain from voting on this... But this is a true classic of a map, despite everything. And well done on creating something so... well... like this.
Where's the map data?
The title says it all. It's not there. This makes me very, very sad.
well...that took a while...i ran outta popcorn really. lol jks, that was kewl
''WOW'' XD
by god, that was seriously the best level i have ever seen. i dont know how you possibly made that all, but that is fuckin awesome. a rocket did kill me right before finishing, but i hate all those people who are like "the rocket killed me at the end so im giving you a lower score". dousche bags. anyways, awesome job and maybe some more awesome levels will follow.
The marvelous DDA!
Awsome DDA!
Man, this stuff is really worth something!
i got shot down by a missle, that's not cool. almost got my 5 there maximo. how bout a four? dont make em die.
Exhilerating. Simply exhilerating. Only, I got shot by a missle near the end.
That was amazing! i am stunned, how can you even make something like that? That was rediculous! One of the best DDA's i have seen. it was so long too! that would have taken so much time and patiants
Oh dear sweet jesus!
I havet read all the comments but i think the general jist is pretty damned awsome :P
But from all the ones ive read, i seem to be the only one that dies... i havent yet managed to get the full way through. the middle sections rocket launchers keep blowing me up and when they miss, i go into the next area only to be zapped by a thwump.
It still looks totally amazing and since im the only one with this problem im gonna give it a 5..
Brilliant work!
But from all the ones ive read, i seem to be the only one that dies... i havent yet managed to get the full way through. the middle sections rocket launchers keep blowing me up and when they miss, i go into the next area only to be zapped by a thwump.
It still looks totally amazing and since im the only one with this problem im gonna give it a 5..
Brilliant work!
It may be THE BEST (which I don't think it is, I rated it a 2 with reasons that can be read below), but it's still only the best normal, mainly launchpad-oriented DDA. These kinds of DDAs have yet to be fully explored:
-Tons of Enemies DDAs. I've done three of them, and I think I won't do anymore, but others could try them.
-Door DDAs. They're really cool and I can't do them.
-Thwump DDAs. Not very good in general.
-Tons of Enemies DDAs. I've done three of them, and I think I won't do anymore, but others could try them.
-Door DDAs. They're really cool and I can't do them.
-Thwump DDAs. Not very good in general.
This is mint