
Thumbnail of the map 'Massacre'

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Author zey_
Tags action author:zey_ playable rated
Created 2006-05-29
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Chain-gun based. Reminds me of Tl's Texas.

Fastest AGD gets a ded.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'confuzzled' Thumbnail of the map 'half a face' Thumbnail of the map 'Hence the flares!' Thumbnail of the map 'Why must we overthrow this digitality?' Thumbnail of the map 'overthrowing the digital nonsense' Thumbnail of the map 'Lightning Tileset'
confuzzled half a face Hence the flares! Why must we overthrow this digitality? overthrowing the digital nonsense Lightning Tileset


Pages: (0)


Shok gets the ded.

needs one more room

methinks. instead of that exit switch, put a door switch in which opens a locked door where the other (not really very important) switch is, and make that a second room equally as large.
Demo Data


and all gold, my 1st try, really not fun. but whatever, here's an AGD
Demo Data


you should add another door

the door

is useless.. see demo. 3/5, not that fun.
Demo Data