
Thumbnail of the map 'why'

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Author robbyb
Tags author:robbyb dda rated
Created 2006-05-31
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description musat love be so complicated...(it is an endless DDA)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'thwumps of hell' Thumbnail of the map 'thorny jungle' Thumbnail of the map 'thorns' Thumbnail of the map 'damn crawfish' Thumbnail of the map 'crawfish' Thumbnail of the map 'stupid puzzle'
thwumps of hell thorny jungle thorns damn crawfish crawfish stupid puzzle


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hehehe...tubtastic... well yours deserves that, very cool, you can even respawn N outside the circle and try to avoid the rockets, very entertaining. i rate 4.5!


ur story? what happened?


I said, I've been through all that


do you know?


for you! I know how hard it is.

u know

what? ILL TELL HER :)


in depression right now... :( - i want to but i can't ( i can't even say her initials on her.. because some people that i know are apart of numa) (one of them is a jerk ) any way i can't tell her now because she is in rome on vacation... :( - damn


way I see it, you need to just tell her, maybe work up to the moment.If you get rejected,maybe you were'nt meant to be.A few days of despair is better than a years wworht depression. I'm sure there will be other girls. If all else fails, become a hermit and devote your life to N. Same as me (sob)


looks like a giant flower.
i dont like that N surfives wken I pres a button

i cant

even get a friend to tell... doesn't want to get involved


same here, I never told her
I got a friend to tell her... utter rejection...


been in depression for a year now... look i cant just go out and say it you have no idea how hard it is for mee ..

this is what i think of her-->
(She is an angel that has come out of heaven to smite my heart with joy) (she is smart, beautiful, nice, honest, etc)


go right out and do it...or get a friend to...
but don't get too bothered about it.
man, I spent 1 and a half years in constant depression cause of that problem, and it sucked.


i'm so confused all the time. i want to talk to her but i'm afraid to tell her how i feel... any advice


too man, it sucks...
but a cool level! 4/5


i said why must love be so complicated....(i'm in love with a girl)


how do you make the rockets always miss?


It wasn't too bad. It looks more like a living N Art. 3.5/5