
This map has been removed from listings.

Thumbnail of the map 'Exsqueezid'

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Author ska
Tags author:ska dda rated
Created 2006-06-02
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description kind of incomplete.


Pages: (0)

Great!!! 5/5

Fairly good,

Although the abundant and liberal use of launchpads instead of other means of transportation (which in many cases in this DDA could have been implemented somewhat easily) turns me off.

Quite good

its very good, better than i could ever do, but i'd like to see it longeeeer =D. i rate 4.5.


sorry i didn't pay to much attention to the description. If you are going to complete it or make it longer i look forward the next version. until then, i will watch this one over and over again. *glares at screen*


as for length;

it's incomplete, see the description.

As for your comment, your right on the money.
Thankyou for your somewhat generous rating!


that must've taken a long time. I would have liked to see the rockets stay alive for longer though. and the whole thing could be a little bit longer. but who am i to judge? i am crap at making dda's and this is spectacular compared to anything that i could make. 4.5