DDA #2 - Don't Blink (conversion)

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Author llama
Tags author:llama dda rated v1.3c
Created 2004-12-22
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Well, here is my 2nd DDA in as many days. Slightly longer than the last, it's based on LV's Don't Blink, . I've kept to the original basic tileset, but had to add/change a few objects, most notably immobilising the laser drone, which I unfortunately had to do because it was too unpredictable.

Just a few points: ODS (Occasional Death Syndrome). I hate this as much as anyone, and I've tried to minimise it, but as the original includes a chaingun I felt obliged to leave it in, and inevitably the ninja sometimes dies. I apologise for this: please bear with it if it happens - sorry :(

Secondly, Excessive jump pad use. Yes, I know it's bad, and I need to get out of the habit. But it's done now so tough :P

I'm sure there was something else I was going to mention but I can't think of it, so I'll just leave you to watch it - credit to littleviking001 for the original, and to all you DDA'ers for inspiring me :) Enjoy.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'DDA #1'
DDA #1


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Revised is the revised version of this map. There is no ODS for me, hopefully it will be the same for you, and I hope I've managed to fix the ending for you nevermore. :)


Bah. I obviously have a higher spec machine than you sendy, thanks for not voting anyway. And nevermore: I've never died at the end, again it must just be my machine - he's supposed to bounce back and forth between the jump pads and then launch upwards at the opportune moment. I could do the ending a slightly different way, but it would mean not getting all the gold.

I'll have a fiddle, see what I can do about the ending and the chaingun (I assume it's the chaingun killing you sendy?)


I won't vote on this since it worked 0 out of 10 times for me.


I think this is really good, with perfect close calls. However, I died in the end, and it was a bit too launch pad heavy.
BTW the chaingun section was really cool


not the best DDA , u get 4N
for ur second DDA is good :)