Tempest Speed Run

Thumbnail of the map 'Tempest Speed Run'

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Author HeartView
Tags author:heartview playable race rated v1.3c
Created 2004-12-29
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description Fast and furious, ribbed for your pleasure.

Other maps by this author

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Riding Shotgun Loaded Spot Check A Date With the Rockets The Armory The Star of Nmas


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My best shot

Demo Data


you were right, ace level
Demo Data


Frustrating level, man. Best I could do here.I like it, though.
Demo Data

Just so you know...

That run down with the gauss turret is a lot easier than it looks. You were very close and I don't think the last part would be very difficult for you. The toughest part on the map is the second floor guard up from the bottom.


is the best i could do, the floor guard threw me though. the enemy placements were so so good though. great level.
Demo Data