Bug - Doors versus One-ways

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Author HeartView
Tags author:heartview rated test v1.3c
Created 2004-12-30
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description I found a bug that probably has already been discovered. If so, I'll just kill this map, so don't bother rating it. Anyway, the demo will follow shortly showing the bug.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Three Ways To Play' Thumbnail of the map 'Stalling for Time' Thumbnail of the map 'Firebrand' Thumbnail of the map 'Raiding the Castle' Thumbnail of the map 'Shitski' Thumbnail of the map 'On the Second Bounce'
Three Ways To Play Stalling for Time Firebrand Raiding the Castle Shitski On the Second Bounce


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i found a way to use this to make you survive a huge fall... dunno if its related or nything. oh, and the 2nd part is just prooving my point that it saved this little ninja's life...
Demo Data


maniak, did you not watch HeartView's demo?


it works fine if you replace the locked door with a normal one, too.


The door has to be about 1/2 of a square away from the one-way before it will work. I've tried it using 1/4 snap and it doesn't seem to work at all.


I knew that when you're 'tipping over' you can cheat the one ways, but the going under the door thing is news to me. This along with some other ideas will make it into the sequel to my 'secrets of one ways' level.


The concept's the same, you can do it with tiles, too, just this one uses a door. Here's another way to cheat the one-ways. Sendy, perhaps you could add these to your One-Way Bug tutorial.
Demo Data


I've never seen this particular method of cheating one-ways. It's still a bug, but one that opens up many possiblities.


You could use a trap door and get the same effect. So you could provide a way through a one way wall by triggering the trap door. Now does this make it a bug or a feature?


Nothing new here :P


A demo showing the bug in action.
Demo Data