
Thumbnail of the map 'Homing'

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Author 2theNth
Tags author:2thenth playable race rated
Created 2006-06-13
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description My first map, I know it's not very good. Constructive criticism would really help.


Pages: (0)

It's pretty good for a Race...Very good timing is needed...well done...but like others, I think it would suit well for DDA...oh and not much gold please...makes my computer slowish there...4/5


Nice use of buttons and timing. You might want to consider branching into DDAs to test them out, gold timing is used a lot in that. What everyone's saying about the gold is partially true but it also makes the level.


I like the close calls with the gold-covered switchs. you had real good timing there. my only complaint is that it was pretty choppy.


for your first map that was good. Here are some things to consider:

1) dont use to much gold
2) made your map a little challenging
Demo Data

Not inherantly bad

would be a good level if it was not so laggy. aka, don't use so much gold, it slows down the level. also, the rockets at the bottom don't do anything.