
Thumbnail of the map 'Pipe_Dreaming'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Teh_TurboCat
Tags author:teh_turbocat rated test
Created 2006-06-15
Last Modified 2006-06-15
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description This is basically exploring really basic stuff in N. My first map submitted to Numa. Sort of a race but more of a test level. Please rate, AND LEAVE CRITICISM!

EDIT: The image is wrong but it's perfectly fine when your playing it.


Pages: (0)


Demo Data
How do I get this as a user leval on my game?

Cool Map

yey I like it!


he didnt block the exit, he found a already found glitch. Congratulations on your first map! I am not going to rate this because it is only a test level


Why did you block off the exit? Thats just strange and pointless? Unless Im missing something...

As you say it is just a test map, and it is very basic, I cant tell what you should do to improve from this as you diddnt do much here, I suggest you try and make a full level next.

Despite the simplicity, I found it fun, 2.5/5

Naa, your first, so 3/5 :D