
Thumbnail of the map 'Snake'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author JEWEL
Tags author:jewel dda rated
Created 2006-06-16
Last Modified 2006-06-16
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description There was a brief spell when the user PurpleArmadilloNinja made a DDA of the same name. Unfortunately, there was a glitch at the end where the ninja went through the wall.

This is an updated version of his level. No, he didn't update it, I did. However, I wish to avoid the fiasco that came with "833" 's =+=+=+=+..... whatever.

So, give all the credit to PurpleArmadilloNinja!

Oh, almost forgot, this is HOLD LEFT DDA.

Demo soon.

Other maps by this author

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Easy and sucky Tedious (and very booring) Doory Spiral


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wok wok mosh mosh NOT VERY GOOD. Just worry about yourself. not other's maps. the'll get rated down. not ur problem
this was a serious waste of my time...look at mine and see how u can actually BEAT the level...


Thats even worse.. I stand by my 1.5/5 rating.




If you still havent got the code right, then I strongly suggest you always reset, retest, and reset again before submitting maps.


doesnt work


still many glitches to be ironed out...


So you travel around a mediocre snake-weave with no skill (its not a Hold Left, by the way. Holding left gets you nowhere) implied, only to loop around, snag a pile of gold, and then be NaN'd off the map? Forgive my brutality, but this is a serious waste of time, IMO. It is horrible to credit someone with this, as that is an insult to them and their maps.
1.5/5 - Just.. atrocious....



should work now.


found out glitch. Will get to work. Please Hold On!
Load up the code you submitted. You can not confuse N exploding into little pieces with anything else.

you sure?

for me he is just fine


For me, N just explodes. Probably because he is /placed inside of a door/...


I don't think it will work as a "normal" DDA (that means don't do anything, no hold left, no hold right).
Demo Data