
Thumbnail of the map 'Eh...'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author sigma
Tags author:sigma playable race rated v1.3c
Created 2005-01-06
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Made an interesting mechanism... turned out to be not that great a map.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'omfg gold!11' Thumbnail of the map 'Laser DDA' Thumbnail of the map 'Trapped Drones' Thumbnail of the map 'Leap' Thumbnail of the map 'Jump'
omfg gold!11 Laser DDA Trapped Drones Leap Jump


Pages: (0)


Still, explaining that might have been better than ranting.
it's SUCH a well known map type and whatnot... those maps are classics and it just got me heated that people don't know and play them... My anger was directed at you per se, more so at the general newer N players who haven't seen some of the classic maps such as door eerie or know who macross dreams is... that is why I was angered... does that make sense?


You're right, tk. I was just angered at the time. N isn't stupid, but people like maximo are. He has nothing better to do than put down people who don't live upto his expectations.

Does he expect me to search the entire archives every time I post something I found to see if it's already been done? A simple 'it's already been done, here's the link' would have been fine. Was there any worth while point in him telling me how many other similar maps have been made? No. Well, I can't see any at least.


If you really think N is stupid, get out of here right now. I'm not kidding. There's no reason for you to be here.

Plenty of people take this seriously, and it's no more pathetic than being a fan of any other game. I'm sure there are thousands of gamers out there who have dedicated massive amounts of time to a single great game, and N deserves it as much as any of them.


Does ranting at people like me make you feel superior? You may have forgotten than you're on a map archive for a stupid game that very few people take seriously at all. I hope you're not serious about all that because that's just pathetic.


Can't blame "new" members I suppose.


my rant was better
have you EVER seen door errie or its 100 remakes? I made a bunch myself, james has made at least 2 full map ones... man.... this is just sad that members don't know the herritage maps like door errie. do you by chance know who macross dreams is? I feel old...


But it's been done. Sorry. =(