Tempus Allegro

Thumbnail of the map 'Tempus Allegro'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Mechtradevil
Tags author:mechtradevil playable race rated
Created 2006-06-21
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description My first race map, resubmitted for sniping. I think it's pretty sweet, hoepfully you will too! The only reason I'm submitting it again is because it got really good votes last time, and once it got sniped they all went down the tubes... :P

and please remember this race does not reflect my current skill level at making maps! This is one of my older maps! enjoy...

Other maps by this author

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Facility of the Psychedelic Turtlefur Mohawkian Kashmir Triumvirate of the Sleepless Gods


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this is not a completion.
Demo Data


cool map, and slow demo, sorry ! :D
At some moments it slows down, too bad.
Demo Data


and nice name! i am a musician!!! ;)

Cool level

Demo Data

I did OK

the last part where u go by the laser drone... he always activated if I went through faster than i should... and zapped me :(
Demo Data
but I think the flow is pretty evident, shoudln't be too difficult... don't forget to rate and comment!
Demo Data


I remember this one... umm... what did I give it last time? crap. I don't remember. ah well :) 5aved, probably what it was before, a great level, awesome race!