
Thumbnail of the map 'Stargate'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Sirdurkly
Tags author:sirdurkly rated test
Created 2006-06-21
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Watch as the stargate warps you to another dimension!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The building Blocks' Thumbnail of the map 'Popo Land 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Popo Land EXTREME' Thumbnail of the map 'you deserve to DIE' Thumbnail of the map 'The Corridors' Thumbnail of the map 'All boxed in'
The building Blocks Popo Land 2 Popo Land EXTREME you deserve to DIE The Corridors All boxed in


Pages: (0)

This is so wrong.

no.. just no.

dont know

why, but it doesnt work for me. n gets killed right away


nice, 3,5/5