Special win.

Thumbnail of the map 'Special win.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author pliker
Tags author:pliker dda rated v1.3c
Created 2005-01-11
Last Modified 2005-01-11
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description My first DDA:)
Construction time:4h

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Force' Thumbnail of the map 'Ghost' Thumbnail of the map 'Triangle of kill' Thumbnail of the map 'St.jupid' Thumbnail of the map 'nO NAME' Thumbnail of the map 'SUPER RUNNER'
Force Ghost Triangle of kill St.jupid nO NAME SUPER RUNNER


Pages: (0)


Ok, here's the demo:
Demo Data


:] Yeah, make sure you get all the gold. Also, never add more than you need to to make it work in DDA's. Long load times only means people will likely only watch it once.


Decent for a first try. Keep up the work!

yeah - not bad

I gave it a two - it would have been a three, but you didn't get all the gold and you didnt use all the jump pads. Lag for the sake of lag

Not bad...

For your first DDA, but next time use less jump pads.