Uneven Platform

Thumbnail of the map 'Uneven Platform'

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Author asian_gangsta
Tags action author:asian_gangsta playable unrated
Created 2006-06-26
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description 4th in my series of 5. these are the first 3:

ded to dejablue4 for the first and only AGD in the third of my series. thanks for playing my map dude.

fastest AGD 8 PM pacific time tomorrow wins a ded.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Unbalanced Platform' Thumbnail of the map 'Temptations' Thumbnail of the map 'Good and Evil level' Thumbnail of the map 'Even Platform' Thumbnail of the map 'American Flag Step 1' Thumbnail of the map 'Quarterly Symmetry'
Unbalanced Platform Temptations Good and Evil level Even Platform American Flag Step 1 Quarterly Symmetry


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that was the my first and rele slow demo
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slow agd

i dunno bout the deds or anything, but im just submitting this demo cause i like the map. fast and flows quite well. 4/5
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i forgot to post my good demo and it would have one
oh well ill try again later


5/5 cuz you helped me out :D

guess it's too late for demos. nice map. check out my new drone follow.

ahh crap./....

well, I already rate this one, so nothing I can do about the ded or the sniping, sorry... :D oh well.


so im guessing my ded will be the next one in the series? haha cant wait


where i live, it's 8:27 now. so the chance for the ded is over, and you won it.

here we go

hope this showstopper is enough to hold off any other showstoppers :)
Demo Data


exactly how many more hours until the deadline for this ded? this time zone thing has me messed up... lol
and spiker5... ill give u a hint... my all gold will be sub 1500... maybe even less... u guess : )


guys. could you give me better ratings? someone seriously sniped me.

woah spiker5..

really? u got a showstopper? lol now im scared...
just in case deja pulls out a showstopper, ill have one too
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first try at agd

probably make a faster one soon

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haha speed demo

i got an all gold coming in soon
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gosh darn it,

someone keeps sniping my maps. will someone rate it up please? it's a 3 when it should be 4.5


im not going to post my demo until tomorrow like right before the deadline... so yeah... nice level tho asian_gangsta 4.5/5
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PREtty slow...

but still an all gold completion... I'm gonna keep trying for better. 4.5/5.
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