The New and Improved Five Multiplier!

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Author bufar
Tags author:bufar test unrated
Created 2006-06-28
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
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Description Now with actual numbers! That's right! NO MORE TALLY MARKS!
The New and Improved Five Multiplier will take any one-digit number (0-9) and correctly multiply it by 5! Just follow these 5 easy steps:
1) Decide what number you want The New and Improved Five Multiplier to multiply by 5.
2) Stand under the switch that has that exact amount of gold under it. (for 0, stay where you started)
3) Jump directly up, making sure you hit only the switch directly above you. Keep hitting that switch until the number you chose appears in the top box.
4) Follow the path created for you, hitting every switch along the path you are given until you reach the door.
5) Once you reach the door, look at the top box. The New and Improved Five Multiplier has multiplied the number you chose by 5.
Please post any and all questions here.

Other maps by this author

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Gear Uncertainty Thwump DDA Pt. 1 Thuwmps give off an Electromagnetic Field Don't go, BOBODAHOBO! The Five Multiplier! Interrupted Conjunction


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4.5/5 and 5/5

but only one vote. this isn't that good: nothing x 5 = 45?
3.5 cuz it's not complicated enough. sorry
Demo Data
I made a map like that, multiplier 1-5. doesn't work as well as this one though.


genius but actually i figured out its not that hard to make but i never wudve come up with the idea or the time 5/5


im never judge maps by its looks again.
that was awsome.
neat idea.
i love it.