Straight to the Point

Thumbnail of the map 'Straight to the Point'

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Author TornadoTK
Tags author:tornadotk incomplete unrated
Created 2006-06-28
Last Modified 2006-06-28
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Very simple level, with some gold on the side.

Possibly for the Nedcon.. Just need a level storage for now.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Thwump Puzzle' Thumbnail of the map 'The Spider's Web' Thumbnail of the map 'Inside Joke' Thumbnail of the map 'New Map for an Old Trick' Thumbnail of the map 'Simpillar' Thumbnail of the map 'Sector Five - Cell 5A'
Thwump Puzzle The Spider's Web Inside Joke New Map for an Old Trick Simpillar Sector Five - Cell 5A


Pages: (0)

Mean Close Calls.

Demo Data


The launchpads near the rockets made for some neato close calls.


Demo Data


Demo Data
but the gold looked ugly in clumps like that. Overall an ok level with some minor problems.

Demo Data