Launch pads galore

Thumbnail of the map 'Launch pads galore'

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Author mikey210
Tags author:mikey210 dda unrated
Created 2006-07-06
Last Modified 2006-07-06
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description ok, this is my very 1st DDA, and I suck at making them. I will add to this, but for now, just try to enjoy this. And it is supposed to be all launchpads, just look at the name! (There are to ways to go, but both of them will take you to the exit. Also, if you are going side ways, step carefully, because if you go too hard, you'll explode. Plus, there are some unused launchpads which I will remove later.)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Lotsa doors' Thumbnail of the map 'Annoying-ish' Thumbnail of the map 'Terrain Madness' Thumbnail of the map 'Lotsa doors #2' Thumbnail of the map 'Shapes and a Slide' Thumbnail of the map '4 Corners'
Lotsa doors Annoying-ish Terrain Madness Lotsa doors #2 Shapes and a Slide 4 Corners


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you took my idea! too bad i waited like 2 months after i made my only launchpad level before i submitted it

i sort of like it

i sort of like it cuz its the only one of urs that i can beat. :-P

Yes, he's right. You might want to add enemies too, and different propulsion. Make it longer if you can aswell.

just cuz

im bored :)
Demo Data


well i can totally relate cuz i suck at dda's too... but ive seen enough to kno that this one is pretty darn bad... its all launchpads... and next time u make one... make sure that u dont have to direct the ninja in any way (like the start of this one)... NR