Dead Girlfriend

Thumbnail of the map 'Dead Girlfriend'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Delirium
Tags author:delirium playable race rated
Created 2006-07-07
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description Delirium (Aju, Jiggerjaw, Sept, and Evil_Bob)'s fourth map.
Original map concept by Evil_Bob
This is a four-way race. Each path has a certain amount of gold pieces clustered together; for example, the first path has one piece of gold on the track, the second with two pieces clustered and so on.

Other maps by this author

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Stellar Asylum The NEW Cloud City


Pages: (0)

so uhh

what route would this be
Demo Data

felt like

an action map with a lot of flow, or a race map with a little flow, i really like the concept, but the execution came up short 4/5


Dont rate based on the concept, rate on the quality.

Its ok.. 3/5


I hate races that have more than two paths. They are confusing, and don't flow, as is the case in this one. It is nothing new, and not much fun, and because there are four paths, each one is too short. 2.5/5 because it looks cool.


I hate races that have more than two paths. They are confusing, and don't flow, as is the case in this one. It is nothing new, and not much fun, and because there are four paths, each one is too short. 2.5/5 because it looks cool.


It isn't cheating.. You took the easiest route.. It is pretty easy.

4th route demo..
Demo Data


Here's a (probably cheated) speed demo.
Demo Data