Precision Jumping

Thumbnail of the map 'Precision Jumping'

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Author swanky23
Tags author:swanky23 playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-07-10
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description a slightly different version of my simple challenge 8 and this time theres 3 ways to get the key instead of one

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Challenge 7' Thumbnail of the map 'just jump' Thumbnail of the map 'Faster, faster!!' Thumbnail of the map 'Simple challenge 8' Thumbnail of the map 'Deathcloud33' Thumbnail of the map 'Extreme Timing'
Simple Challenge 7 just jump Faster, faster!! Simple challenge 8 Deathcloud33 Extreme Timing


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woohoo! More like precision falling :) Very fun, thanks!

@1_4 - do you have a demo showing us how easy it is?
Demo Data


a little to easy