meteorite crash

Thumbnail of the map 'meteorite crash'

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Author Psycho_CO
Tags author:psycho_co playable race rated
Created 2006-07-19
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description ive seen "its only a race if youre a pro" and i thought it was too easy so i made this.

like my first submission its really hard but i didnt mean for anyone to finish it, its just a fun kind of test race and is not meant to be demoed

if you dont like it because its too hard dont rate it

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getting stuck into too short passages
forced to crack a bone or two to pass... ;)

that was good

cant finish it but it was fun to about the middle of it. then i got really annoyed (in the good way). 4.5/5

I got stuck..

Demo Data

halfway demo

oh and wherever there are 3 gold pieces next to each other that means you can stop there and start up again without need of momentum
Demo Data

furthest so far...

I'm not going any further, though...
Demo Data

your right

this is crazy hard, but i like it. although i can't finish i wouldn't mind seeing a completion demo.