
Thumbnail of the map 'Desire'

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Author Aju
Tags action author:aju featured playable rated
Created 2006-07-24
Last Modified 2006-07-24
by 24 people.
Map Data

Description In life, things generally happen. If it happens to be an event, you are in luck. A series of events can lead to good things. But good things don't last long, so you have to keep events happening. But the more events you make happen, the harder it becomes to make future events happen. This puts you in a situation that mmorpg's commonly refer to as "the grind" Not only is it harder for the events to happen, but the good decreases in length. Soon enough, you are killing yourself trying to make many events happen so that you can make the good last as long as you first started. It becomes quite literally hell. Desire for something you want is never as big as desire for something you had, but want back.

This map was featured on 2010-02-14

This map is a huge inspiration to me for it's minimalistic style, and Aju has just always been one of my favorite authors. The description of the map by Aju may seem misleading, so don't let that make you think this is a boring map! I straight up dig it! The line and block tiles and the squarely placed gold are so awesome. Hey, even the gameplay is fun! — sept

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Perplexion in the Spine' Thumbnail of the map 'Blue Bucktooth Bay' Thumbnail of the map 'Cellar Door' Thumbnail of the map 'Holy Wow! Fire!' Thumbnail of the map 'Ribbon Land!' Thumbnail of the map 'Jump Man!'
Perplexion in the Spine Blue Bucktooth Bay Cellar Door Holy Wow! Fire! Ribbon Land! Jump Man!


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i love aju

aju aju
cloud cuckoo

Sub-1000 AGD

Demo Data

forgot the demo

Demo Data


it´s so...regular. 3/5


it´s nothing special.

boom snap clap

boom boom snap clap snap

agree with timo

but i do like the drone pathing. 3/5

Oh, here it is.
Demo Data

First try AGD

Too simple, I'd have liked at least another laser.


Just barely beat wedgie.

There's no flair to this map. It's like a salad without croutons or Thousand Island Ranch. 3.
Demo Data

Done before watching AMLT's run.
Demo Data

agd - 3
Demo Data
atmosphere has map this


Pretty fun.
Demo Data

All E tiles.

pretty good gamplay for those tiles.

completion demo

very nice map... loved the drone routes 4.5/5
Demo Data

Well built

but nothing exciting.


another awesome map aju. Nice fast all gold here. :D
Demo Data

slow agd also

an okay map.
Demo Data

slow AGD

nice, slow paced level. 4.5/5
Demo Data

very very slow

agd, but 1st try. cool map, just a little easy. I guess the challenge is speed, not completion. good map. 4.5
Demo Data