The Fine Art Of Suicide

Thumbnail of the map 'The Fine Art Of Suicide'

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Author romaniac
Tags action author:romaniac playable rated
Created 2006-07-29
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Ever wondered what its like jumping off a cliff?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Me y mi boca tonta' Thumbnail of the map 'Illusory Movement' Thumbnail of the map 'Shine Sparkle Sparkle' Thumbnail of the map 'Doddle' Thumbnail of the map 'Dringoes' Thumbnail of the map 'Flip Flop'
Me y mi boca tonta Illusory Movement Shine Sparkle Sparkle Doddle Dringoes Flip Flop


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clicking on random maps led me here. this map is really quite captivating, the title and description pulled me right in. i dont like the gold at all but i really like the map for some reason, it has something about it. cool :P


Strikes me as intresting. Could use a drone though.

not bad.

3.5/5. it has good qualities... here's a quick little completion...
Demo Data