Reverse Psychology

Thumbnail of the map 'Reverse Psychology'

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Author bufar
Tags author:bufar playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-07-29
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Slightly edited version of my map of the same name. Now that the draft is over, I had some time to look it over and fix some bugs.
Based off of the main componant of Between a Drone and a Hard Place by nemetacyst:

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '' Thumbnail of the map '12-1: les islots A <v2>' Thumbnail of the map 'Black & Red Things That Kill You for $500' Thumbnail of the map 'Give Piece A Chance' Thumbnail of the map 'Diseased in Dreamland' Thumbnail of the map 'Reverse Psychology'
12-1: les islots A <v2> Black & Red Things That Kill You for $500 Give Piece A Chance Diseased in Dreamland Reverse Psychology


Pages: (0)

Super-slow NGD

Demo Data

its good, but

when ever i clear a drone from one side, the second one on the opposite side comes back over, im sure its possible but i ahve no patience to test it in depth

still im giving it a 4.5