Angel of Wrath

Thumbnail of the map 'Angel of Wrath'

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Author nemetacyst
Tags author:nemetacyst incomplete rated
Created 2006-08-02
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description i think a combo simple-mine-jumper+rockets for the open areas would work...but thats just my idea...i may or may not make it...

this will probly be my last submission for the next 5 days, i wont be around...

use or abuse, as long as you credit

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Wretched' Thumbnail of the map 'Tyreal' Thumbnail of the map 'Minatour Relic' Thumbnail of the map 'Tyreal's Wrath' Thumbnail of the map 'As Death Rides' Thumbnail of the map 'Its Hammertime'
Wretched Tyreal Minatour Relic Tyreal's Wrath As Death Rides Its Hammertime


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another great tileset from you... good job 4.5


ill be about 100 miles from where i am...and no time to be on a compy...

wont be around???


look closer?

not much else i can say...
maybe a majesticly angry eagle?


if you use, plz post a link to your lvl here, so i can see it, since i wont be around to find it or see it as its new...


again, great job!
are the hardest parts of tilesets...thats why i avoid sing feet, and minimize hands...faces...well...helmets work...sorta...(not on this one)