The boy who cried,"SPAM!"

Thumbnail of the map 'The boy who cried,"SPAM!"'

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Author lamezorlad
Tags action author:lamezorlad playable unrated
Created 2006-08-06
Last Modified 2006-08-08
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I felt like making a map, so I made one.

This map includes not-so-annoying mines, and a angry accurate yet not accurate drunk shooter who lives alone in a deformed tree whith branches go inside itself. Enjoy.

Potato chip?


Other maps by this author

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DB4 Picture Frame The life of a Skywriter The Cheap Washing Machine (Stains Expected) Frogs' Hill Frogs' Hill (Edited)


Pages: (0)

Near completion

I lost focus for a while.
Demo Data