One-Way Industries

Thumbnail of the map 'One-Way Industries'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author ConfusedCartman
Tags author:confusedcartman featured playable race rated
Created 2006-08-07
by 20 people.
Map Data

Description Man, I love race maps with mostly one-ways. It makes the map so versatile during the mapmaking process.

I know, guass turrets suck. I used them as more of a reminder stating, "Don't you DARE slow down."


This map was featured on 2012-12-02

It's worth bearing in mind that there's an entire class of race mappers who came before destiny et al. and have been thus largely forgotten. That's pretty much all I have to say here. I chose this map because ConfusedCartman exemplifies the way races used to look and play, which is very different from what they are now, and because this is CC's best, most freeform race. — flagmyidol

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Fly with the Angels' Thumbnail of the map 'Leaning Towers of Pisa' Thumbnail of the map 'Uncoordinated Machine' Thumbnail of the map 'Crazed Symmetry' Thumbnail of the map 'Valley' Thumbnail of the map 'Cavern'
Fly with the Angels Leaning Towers of Pisa Uncoordinated Machine Crazed Symmetry Valley Cavern


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it was cool, but

The path wasn't very clear, and it didn't have that flowy feeling that I like in a race. :(


fastest, I believe.
Demo Data

Really good but a few areas I kept missing the flow. 4.5^


slightly messed up the route
Demo Data



Bloody genius

I love it. 5/5 and faved.

amazingly smooth!

the one-ways are so well placed. took about 5 seconds to load on my computer... not slow. 5/5

sweet race map

it just takes too long to load. 4.5


This is my first try.
Demo Data

Semi-speed demo

Just showing you it's cheatable.
Demo Data


so cool.
i didnt even play it though.
cause just by lookign at it i would get lost.
but i look at the to demos.
so effin awsome.

all gold

Demo Data

Completion Demo

Demo Data