The New Transporter

Thumbnail of the map 'The New Transporter'

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Author bufar
Tags author:bufar rated test
Created 2006-08-16
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description After seeing the thwump teleporters and the new propulsion, I decided to combine the two to give you this. Using only 6 items, n is propelled through the ceiling!
If anybody can make n go through solid walls using only the propulsion provided in this map, but without the launchpad, post a link to the map here. I will give the first person to do this a ded.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Metal Cave' Thumbnail of the map '[(2/2)+1]^1 Kinds of Crazy' Thumbnail of the map 'Map & Clock' Thumbnail of the map 'Eight-Twelths of the Electric Triangle' Thumbnail of the map 'Tricks 10' Thumbnail of the map 'Suburban Swamp'
Metal Cave [(2/2)+1]^1 Kinds of Crazy Map & Clock Eight-Twelths of the Electric Triangle Tricks 10 Suburban Swamp


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I put NaNs in mine, too. They make n teleport.


you have 4 NaNs in there...

I'll start working on your ded, ska.

DOORS ?!!!

I don't even understand how this can work ?!
But it does... 4/5