Thumbnail of the map 'ADN'

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Author nikoniko
Tags author:nikoniko incomplete unrated
Created 2006-08-23
Last Modified 2006-08-23
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Tileset for your use.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The thwump is your help' Thumbnail of the map 'Zap droneY' Thumbnail of the map 'Power Core' Thumbnail of the map 'Japan house' Thumbnail of the map 'ADN' Thumbnail of the map 'Incomplete staircase DDA'
The thwump is your help Zap droneY Power Core Japan house ADN Incomplete staircase DDA


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I was gonna throw this on the end:
( !6^492,252,-1,0,2,3!6^348,180,-1,0,2,3 )

But that seems too effortless, so I'll just leave it here to anyone else who wants to claim the idea.