The diamond of death

Thumbnail of the map 'The diamond of death'

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Author mikey210
Tags author:mikey210 dda rated
Created 2006-08-28
Last Modified 2006-08-29
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description This DDA's sorta short, but I only used a 7x7 diamond, so it couldn't be much longer. This has 8 rockets in it, and no cheating death at all. It does use some gold delay though. Anyway, hope you enjoy it!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Venturing through the land' Thumbnail of the map 'The big bad X' Thumbnail of the map 'Where the wild thwumps are' Thumbnail of the map 'Drone mesmerizer' Thumbnail of the map 'When 4 doors just won't do it' Thumbnail of the map 'Journey through the mines'
Venturing through the land The big bad X Where the wild thwumps are Drone mesmerizer When 4 doors just won't do it Journey through the mines


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do with that little space.


very shot but good!


Cool. 5/5. It's short, but it's so delicate.