a door is the only thing that can stop ninjas

Thumbnail of the map 'a door is the only thing that can stop ninjas'

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Author 77ball
Tags author:77ball test unrated
Created 2006-09-03
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
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Description PLAY IN FULL SCREEN!!!

I was playing around again with n on top of the level. I already knew that he couldn't interact with any item, and that you couldn't place tiles on top of the level, but I did know how to edit a door into a tile. the result was a wall, something n could actually interact with while on top of the level. now if you get enough speed, he can go trough it... but you need a lot of speed to do that, so play around with this and see if you can't discover something like this.

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This is fun.
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ninja has to be Naned for him to survive up there

stupid door

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