star of all stars

Thumbnail of the map 'star of all stars'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author malibar1
Tags author:malibar1 n-art unrated
Created 2006-09-04
Last Modified 2006-09-04
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description take 46.51 sec to load its terific!!! u know the stares that u make with a ruler well its that exept mutch more detail!!!!!!

P.S u can only see it in edit mode

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'the fallen cyborg' Thumbnail of the map 'traped/ not sure wat it is!' Thumbnail of the map 'moving text!!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'the most powerful lanch pad !!!!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'N play ground' Thumbnail of the map 'iiitts pac-man pac-man pac-man pac-man pac-man !!!!'
the fallen cyborg traped/ not sure wat it is! moving text!!!! the most powerful lanch pad !!!!!! N play ground iiitts pac-man pac-man pac-man pac-man pac-man !!!!


Pages: (0)

You call that much more detail? =/


been done... by me. Apple of my eye


Dispite all the times its been done before 3/5 cause im awesome.

its took me

3 seconds to load?

been done

loads before
still, i quite like it