Miner Forty-Niner

Thumbnail of the map 'Miner Forty-Niner'

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Author airlynx99
Tags author:airlynx99 playable puzzle unrated
Created 2006-09-07
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I guess the best description for this would be Puzzle, there aren't any baddies except mines. This is an intermediate map, it took me several tries to beat it myself, but I assure you it can be done. If you find any shortcuts let me know, there should be only two major ways to complete the level. I'll post my demo up in a minute.

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I never do brag about my N abilities. I didn't even think of the shortcut at the very beginning that IndianSummer took, I was too busy trying to close up holes later on in the level.

First try...

THAT was easy my friend =]
Demo Data

My best attempt

Okay, this is how I imagine this level going, if you have shortcuts, or alternatives post them
Demo Data