
Thumbnail of the map 'spiral'

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Author 29403
Tags author:29403 dda mikey210 rated
Created 2006-09-17
Last Modified 2012-06-15
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description mikey210 is awesome [].

some people don't know what first means :(

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'puppy pit' Thumbnail of the map 'digger' Thumbnail of the map 'i love gold (resubmitted)' Thumbnail of the map 'black black'
puppy pit digger i love gold (resubmitted) black black


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one more thing:

while I watched it load I saw you added some enemies after the DDA had progressed significantly. That messes everything up, as I'm sure you discovered. So remember ALWAYS to place all the enemies first.


Since i'm a nice considerable person... and my friends aren't here to laugh at that lie... I'll give it a 5/5, since I never even made a DDA... Hell, I only made one map


Thanks everybody for the tips

...'s kinda weird that the floor chasers go off the screen. =P But that's irrelavent. It's a good DDA, saying that's it's your first. so I rate it a...3.5.ish.ness.
tons of unused items, you dont need to put gold on top of normal doors.
no rating
I do agree with AMLT and invader, but I understand it is your first, and there were some good close calls as well. Heck, it's better than my first DDA. I'll give it a 4. Hope your future DDA's make it to the top rated list. =)


i'll keep that in mind when I make another DDA, this is only my first.


There are tons of unused objects, it was boring and there were too many launchpads and not enough close calls. It was too short aswell.


Its a bit short, most of the gold is missed. Other than that its okay.