Uhhh... Ridiculoso? Then I put on my Wizard hat and grab my wang.

Thumbnail of the map 'Uhhh... Ridiculoso? Then I put on my Wizard hat and grab my wang.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author bigblargh
Tags action author:bigblargh playable rated
Created 2006-10-01
by 7 people.
Map Data

All gold is difficult. I'd love to see how everyone gets the exit switch.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Hill' Thumbnail of the map 'Male Pattern Baldness' Thumbnail of the map 'His Master's Buoyant Running Shoes' Thumbnail of the map 'Barabajagal ded' Thumbnail of the map 'Skyline' Thumbnail of the map 'X-TREME Backgammon'
Hill Male Pattern Baldness His Master's Buoyant Running Shoes Barabajagal ded Skyline X-TREME Backgammon


Pages: (0)

Oh, shit.

They're onto me!

or its

proof someone stole your password and is now making maps in your dead name/honor

Oh man

just ten more maps, blarghie.
i will give you a 4.5

Lovely design.

Top right is out of place though.
4.5/5 for el motor oil.