The Red Square

Thumbnail of the map 'The Red Square'

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Author romaniac
Tags author:romaniac n-art rated
Created 2006-10-10
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Do you see a red square, even though there are no edges to define it? Does the background in the middle of the area by the mines have a slightly reddish tint to it? the square down the bottom is for comparison with 'normal' background

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Stadium Arcadium Invisininja Impossibility within an Impossible Triangle Clim Bing Harikari SL


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It's no trick.

If you look at the would-be edge while covering up the mines, the 'red edge' disappears. I've of course seen this before, once read an article about eye tricks in a magazine, but cool to see it on N. clever idea. 5
This reminds me of an oven stove, btw.




interesting...i see the illusion, thats cool, the "play" is pretty funny, after N eventually gets killed all the missles fly to that one side...very funny looking