Declining Ideal

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Tags action author:palemoon playable rated
Created 2006-10-12
Last Modified 2006-10-12
by 7 people.
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Description Brought to you in true palemoon style.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Prq Kza' Thumbnail of the map '651852' Thumbnail of the map 'Ith' Thumbnail of the map 'Tehanu's Tree' Thumbnail of the map 'Mark Of Mashimaro' Thumbnail of the map 'Mark Of Tehanu'
Prq Kza 651852 Ith Tehanu's Tree Mark Of Mashimaro Mark Of Tehanu


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Nice map

but wtf?




They ARE amongst us! I knew they would come after me...knew
their devices...Their depraved methods! Creatures wearing
human skins as we wear clothers - to cover their hideousness
from our eyes! So they might consort insidiously with our
species, infiltrating, manipulating, playing us against each
knew...Oh yes...I knew! I knew they were there - plotting
behind that door!

They plotted behind doors locked and barred and planned
the downfall of the human race! I took care of the ones
around me...Stopped their plans. There are others, I'm
sure...Out there...Manipulating us...Secreting madness
inside our very heads, while our souls are pushed into the
corner's of our skulls...watching as our hands do tasks that
we have no control over!

They are so close their stench fills the air! You can smell
them, I tell you!! Somewhere between the spice of vanilla
and the bitter sweetness of pustulent rot! Those creatures
inhabit the bodies of men and women...exorcising the human
soul and replacing it with their own putrid spirits. But
they couldn't fool at all...I could smell
them, you see...They were all around me...Dear god! All
around! I knew what I had to do...they had to go...

Oh, the Horror! The HORROR!! A behemoth of hatred
incarnate! What manner of creature is that? A ton of flesh
and sinew wielding muscles thick as ropes strung onto claws
that could crush stone and sever metal as though it were
threshed wheat. Crushing, cutting..The walls shook with each
step it took! Oh, the HORROR!! An abomination...Its
physiology remarkable real organs or
anything...It shouldn't work, but it did!! And the
mouths...those gnashing scythes of teeth - I tell you, it
existed ONLY to EAT!! To consume! To gnaw! To bite! To

Eyes! Rot their eyes...! Their staring sees through your
soul like looking through a window...And the
lids...festooned with tiny, hook-like teeth...that gape and
gnash...It doesn't make anatomy would form like
that...but it has!! Was it natural? How could it be? Oh
unholy beast, thou must be killed, lest you corrput my
world!! Have at thee!! HAVE AT THEE...

They came from the darkness...They
killed the city's inhabitants, using them for food, for
slaves, for play...In the city's last, dark, doomed days
blood filled the waterways, drained upon the streets...a
proud, mighty race, now nothing but bloody gobbets of meat
in the it has been for eons. The Guardians -
those eternal parasites still swarm in that necropolis,
feeding on those...Those that live in ignorance many miles
above...US!! Damn you listen to me!! They feed on US!! The
Darkness...The Darkness comes!! It WILL consume us all!!
We...must...fight them!! Or all is lost.

Oh...oh gibbering insanity wrought in flesh as though an
artist had sculpted it! Created from nothing by their
mistress Xel'lotath, a canvas as grotesque as any!! Their
bodies made no sense - no heads, no organs - an empty husk
devoid of the trappings of nature...But it shrieked!!! A mockery of reason, both natural and
mental!! A blasphemy from beyond the Veil!! The veil has
opened!! And we should not see beyond!! We...we weren't
meant to...never...ever...meant to!! Oh, give us the
blessing of ignorance, the happiness of oblivion...Innocence
can only be tainted, never returned!

Deep in those ancient caverns, a great city was lost...Long
before we Humans...Long, long before...The proud city of
Ehn'gha - decadent and trusting...and it was their
downfall...When the Darkness came...and the Guardians
slaughtered them...Their existence was but a dying echo,
shrieking from violated mouths...Resounding within their
homes...Their tombs...If you stand alone, in one of those
halls, quietly...ever so can hear the cries of
the people of Ehn' apart by the unseen claws of
the Guardians...Their echoes still do their