Chaos's House (Part 1)

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Author XChaosX
Tags action author:xchaosx playable unrated
Created 2006-10-19
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description ---Note: This is a model of the first floor of my house as if you were looking at it from an arial view---

Oh no! Chaos has locked himself in his house! And just to make it worse, it has been infested with evil robots and drones that seek to destroy him. He has to get upstairs - and fast. The robots have sealed off the path upstairs with a door. They hid the key behind the fridge to get upstairs. It is sealed off by 2 doors. The key to that one is in the closet. Sadly yet again, the closet is sealed off... Maybe the BOUNCY couch has something that helps......

Demos/Rates/Comments please


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Terminal' Thumbnail of the map 'Suicide Misson: Chaos Edition' Thumbnail of the map 'Oh Em Gee Thirty Three' Thumbnail of the map 'Suicide Mission: Chaos Edition 2 (FIXED)' Thumbnail of the map 'Chaos's House (Part 1)' Thumbnail of the map 'Lol a ded'
Terminal Suicide Misson: Chaos Edition Oh Em Gee Thirty Three Suicide Mission: Chaos Edition 2 (FIXED) Chaos's House (Part 1) Lol a ded


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Never Mind

I remember now, I was going to do that later on tonight around like 6

I might have forgot

Can I have the link to what you won

Where is my DED???

Just asking.