speed ramp 101

Thumbnail of the map 'speed ramp 101'

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Author Spinach
Tags author:spinach playable puzzle unrated
Created 2006-10-25
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description N is trapped in a small room and has no idea how he got there. he must escape the room to figure out what happened, but how? the switch is locked in an invisble box thing. how shall he ever get it?

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How did you put that invisible barrier there???


ur demo is weird!!

Is this rite?

Demo Data


how its supposed to be done
Demo Data


eveyrone cheated who posted demo

I cheated :p

Demo Data
I got completion??!
Demo Data

Speed demo.

TBH, I'd rather play an unoriginal non-glitched level than an unoriginal glitched one. NR
Demo Data
Demo Data

20 Seconds to beat.

It's interesting, and I get it. It's a bit... short though.

I'll give it a 4/5