Comments on "my 2 map"

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u guys are jelus bc

i can make amap and im WAY smarter then you are nemtasyct and u are a horible rude person and my mom will get mad at ALL of you stupids for swearing its realy rong and a horible thing to do and all uv ur maps stink realy bad like there horible and nobody can make a maop better then this one and wy dont u spell right brttrx im prety shure that 'inf' isnt a word and also nemtycast ur problly 28 out of 27 thats how stupid u are im smart enuff to realiz the fakeness of ur storie realy u r so stupid and i just laff at how u say that u r 17 bc u r problly some stupid 6 year old using a dicshinarry u r realy dumb all of u and espeshilly brttrx for thinking that he is smarter than me and that he maks good maps u all are pathetick and this awsum survivel diserves 5/5 and u all knw it but u r just rating it down bx u know u cant make good maps so it maks u fele beter to rate mine lower again ur all stupid and, yes, h*** is a sware word, nmetycast wutevver u guys r all dumb and i can say that agan and again agin again forever and evry1 nos that bc its tru

I hope you realized

that you just emotionally scarred a 8 year old for life.

Check that one off the "Do before you die" list.


i spelt asian wrong...sorry...


please tell me you're kidding


Dude. You fucking suck.

So I'll just start recording for 'The World's Most One-Sided Fistfights: Mardi Gras Style'


*slowly backs away*


*darts out of room*
What's that supposed to mean?

Inf survival.

Demo Data

I'm 15.

I was just a little upset that we have another new member that doesn't use proper grammar and couldn't realize that an N-Art w/ no face was incomplete.

If you knew any better, you wouldn't have just compared me to a nine year old. I could correct you on your grammar, I could make a map with a bad comment about you in the description, I'm not going to lower down to your level and start a flame war, I'm simply going to watch you drown in your own stupidity as you try to bring me down.

But hey, I forgive you if you forgive me.

Hope you can adapt well to Numa.


you make me laff


than brttx haha he's funny