Simple Challenge 03

Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Challenge 03'

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Author mc_george
Tags author:mc_george challenge playable puzzle rated simple
Created 2006-11-09
Last Modified 2007-06-28
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description This one is very, very difficult. No doubt some of you guys are just going to use frame by frame. I can't tell, so I'm relying on good honest playing here.

There won't be a deadline on these maps anymore, whatever is said on the previous maps has been nullified. I'll set a deadline after I finish the whole series.

Current leaders:
Simple Challenge 02 - ska
Simple Challenge 01 - ska

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Wan' Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Challenge 01' Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Challenge 02' Thumbnail of the map 'Copse' Thumbnail of the map 'Obfuscate' Thumbnail of the map 'Help!'
Wan Simple Challenge 01 Simple Challenge 02 Copse Obfuscate Help!


Pages: (0)

I can't believe

My honest demo was faster than everyone else's FBFs.
check nreality


OMG I'm first lol and this was my 2nd try.
Demo Data


Demo Data

One off.

Demo Data

I like this one,

it's very good at corner-jumping practice.
Demo Data


I think you're right
Demo Data


I think the right side is faster :)
Demo Data


One of my simple challenge maps had this logic, but it didn't get diddly squat in ratings :s

oh yeah

4.5/5 :)

not that hard

3rd try actually lol
Demo Data
Also, I might make a PG Training series with objects lol


I see. Well, you could always try another time. There's no deadline anymore.


Could the person who rated leave a comment please?


I'm on a slow pc, so no demo... *sighs* as if ppl wouldnt see my map... o well.
So here's a frame by frame demo.
Demo Data