Grabbing run

Thumbnail of the map 'Grabbing run'

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Author Strangex0rz
Tags author:strangex0rz autogenerated test unrated
Created 2006-11-17
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This map is my second race, my first one i will submit later. This map involves Wallgrabbing thwumps, running on thwumps, mine dodging, racing thwumps, immobile super drone, and some wall jumping, enjoy. Put demo\'s on please.


Pages: (0)

hey mate

sup dave
i think this lvl is okay....

i think u overused the thwump running idea...

please dont pound me at skool.



this map wasnt automatically generated what are u talking about and why have you put such simple uninteresting tactics into a race im not gonna rate because of my down with sniping policy