
Thumbnail of the map 'Traileomorphic'

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Author moshpit2010
Tags action author:moshpit2010 playable rated
Created 2006-11-21
Last Modified 2006-11-21
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description I don't think Traileomorphic is actually a word, but it should be. It would mean the metamorphic activity of a Train to that of a Monorail. It would be crazy.. That, of course, would mean that Trains and Monorails would have to be alive.
..It makes you think, don't it?.. No? ...Oh. Well. Go have the Soup of the Day. ^_^

Comments and Critique appreciated!


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Smokebubbles' Thumbnail of the map 'Hat Like A Madder' Thumbnail of the map 'Optical Diversion' Thumbnail of the map 'Backstep' Thumbnail of the map 'Soup Of The Day' Thumbnail of the map 'Devious (Resubmit)'
Smokebubbles Hat Like A Madder Optical Diversion Backstep Soup Of The Day Devious (Resubmit)


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I love this level!

5/5 + Faved.


Thanks, Romaniac. I really appreciate that.



As usual another great map
Demo Data